Your 2025 Plan & Budget Workshop
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All right, hello and welcome. I’m so excited to have you here with me today. I’m excited for what we’re going to do in today’s session. Today is going to be all about building your 2025 internet marketing plan and setting yourself up to accomplish your goals and knock your objectives out of the park. So just give me a 25 in the comments or in the chat if you’re ready to project out into the future and build an action plan.
(mention participants names giving you 24)
All right, awesome, guys. Thank you. I really think these sessions could go one of two ways.
There’s the old way where I’ve got my screen shared and I’m talking for 30 minutes to 45
minutes and you’re trying to listen as much as you can, but it gets really boring and you
The other way would be to make this more interactive. We’ve moved to a virtual world, and
more things are happening on Zoom. We are going to talk about your plans, goals, and objectives. When I ask a question, you can either unmute or chime in with me on chat. In that
way, we can make it very interactive. So just give me a ‘yes’ in the comments if you’re okay with making this an interactive experience. That’s going to make it more engaging which will help you get more out of your time.
So here’s what we’re going to cover. This isn’t going to be a super technical workshop,
it’s really going to be around setting clear goals and targets for the year. We want you to walk
away from this session with you laser clear on your 2025 objectives.
by the end of 2025 this is how much revenue we’re going to generate. This is how many jobs
we’re going to have to run to make that a reality. This is how many leads we’re going to need to
generate as an organization on a monthly basis and an annual basis to make that a reality.
In addition to that, we’re going to realign your KPIs and the tracking that’s going to be needed
to achieve those outcomes. I think in a lot of cases we set goals in a vacuum, we say “Okay, I
want to do 5 million in gross revenues for my shop this year,” and you know hopefully it works.
Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. But if we don’t take the time to figure it out what our goals
and objectives are, in the words of Brian Tracy, you cannot hit a Target can’t see. In other words
you can’t reach a goal that you never set.
The Key Performance Indicators or KPI’s are what you’ll need to keep a pulse on to know if
you’re on track or off-track and to know whether you need to ratchet up or down your budget.
If you think going deeper into the key performance indicators and knowing where you want
your business to be 12 months from now just type ‘KPIs’ in the chat. Thanks (acknowledge
Participants following along)
The other thing we’re going to map out is the plan for accomplishment, so we’ll be clear on the
goals and the targets for the year. We’ll also be clear on the KPIs and tracking that we’ll be
watching because what we measure gets done, and what we track always improves. Then we’re
going to put pen to paper and map out the plan. So, what will we need to do with the SEO,
00:03:33 website and paid search front on your LSA Ads if you are in Fl or CA, maybe you need
to focus on retargeting to make that a reality. So, we’ll talk about your budget. We’ll look at
what your budget needs to be? How does that budget need to be allocated? How much should
go online versus offline? How much should go to SEO versus pay-per-click? We’ll look at the
different channels.
I’ll talk about some of the important trends, some of the things that are changing in the internet
marketing space because it’s constantly changing. You want to know about these changes to
really maximize your probability of accomplishing those goals and targets.
My main objective, my true purpose for today’s session, is for you to be set up for massive
success going into 2025 and beyond.
Ok, that’s the agenda, that’s what we’re going to be covering.
Now, let me introduce myself.
I’m the author of 2 books “The Ultimate SEO Guide for Automotive Service Businesses, How to
Triple Your Sales in Record Time!”
And “Triple Your Sales and Grow Your Business: The ultimate Internet Marketing Guide to Grow
Your Business Online”.
We are the producers of Top Shop Podcast where we interview leaders in the automotive repair
space and repair shop owners that have been in business 10 or more years.
We are the issuer of the Golden Wrench award recognizing people who have contributed
greatly to the automotive industry. (Name Drop)
If somebody you know has made significant contributions to the automotive industry, I urge you
to go to, I’ll toss that link in the chat right now, and nominate them to
receive this prestigious award. A lot of times people work really hard in their careers. They are
authors. They’re the executive directors of the presidents of associations or trade groups, and
they really would appreciate the acknowledgment of their contributions and this is a great way
for us to contribute back to the Automotive community.
I want to keep this a very interactive experience, So please turn off your cell phones. Turn off
Facebook and give us your undivided attention for the next 30 to 45 minutes to get serious
about getting better results for your shop. the focused time that you spend in this workshop can
have a dramatic effect on your shops future revenues if you make a concerted effort and apply
what is in this workshop. NONE of what I’m about to provide you is theory or hypothesis it’s all
based on real world results.
We’ve got a great workbook which makes it possible for you to easily track along with me and
enter your notes. So, what I want everyone to do is to download the work book and follow
along with me.
The first thing we need to do is set clear targets. We need to be clear on our goals and
outcomes in our business.
in my mind, clear goals give you the ability to create your own momentum.
Without goals, you’re like a boat out at sea, being taken wherever the current wants to take
you. If we set a goal to generate an additional million in gross revenue this year, and if you get
there you do and if you don’t you don’t you’re just kind of going with the flow.
In your workbook, on page 6,
It’s asking for a current snapshot, and without a starting point, it’s hard to track along. So, what I
want you to do is get clear on some key metrics: how much is your average monthly revenue
right now, how much is that monthly, how many jobs do you typically do per month, what’s
your average ticket, what’s your average lifetime customer value do you know what that is?
How many techs do you have right now? Now under how many leads do you need to hit your
goal, We’ll get into that in a few minutes. what’s your average conversion rate on leads, and by
the way, this is one of the most important numbers that you need to know… I’ll go over number
nine in a few minutes when we do the spreadsheet that CPA created for us. So. So just put in
here your current snapshot. I’ll give you guys a couple of minutes. Like I said, we’re going to
keep this interactive.
Give me a one in the chat when you’re done so I know when to proceed.
We need to know how much is our average monthly revenue right now, how many jobs are we
running per month, what’s our average transaction value? If a couple of you guys could just put
that in the comments for me, what’s your average ticket worth in your business right now?
And I hear ranges between 450 and 950, depending on if you’re auto repair to 3k to 6k for auto
body repair. Name’s 1500, very nice. NAME, 1,000 excellent. The higher your average ticket, the
more you can spend on advertising, the more aggressive you can be. So, it’s great you guys have
really nice solid average tickets, excellent.
IF SOMEONE says, “We don’t use Google Docs.” We will drop the document in the chat and you
can download it from there.
Okay, so we got the current snapshot. The next thing is, anytime you’re looking at an annual
plan, I think it’s smart to pause for a minute and think about the long-term vision, the long-term
direction within the organization.
To help you guys plot out the end of the year, I’ve got this worksheet. We’re going to drop it in
the chat so all of you download it from the chat and then Please open it up. Trisha, can you
please drop that in the chat please?
This worksheet will help us get those goals and targets, and calculate it in a relatively simple
way. In the past, I did this with worksheets, and it was a little bit of a challenge because you had
to write stuff down and do the math, but now you can just plug in numbers. If you’ve got the
worksheet, give me a one in the comments so I can walk you through it.
All right. – The first thing I want you to do is to put in the goal for 2025, which is how much
revenue you want to generate. Let’s say it’s $2.5 million, and then put in your average service
ticket value.
I put in $750, for an example. Just put those two numbers in, and this will give us two important
things. It’ll break down what our monthly revenue target needs to be to hit that annual goal,
and it’ll also tell us how many booked jobs we’ll need to hit that target. This shouldn’t be hard.
We’re just putting in what our goal for the year is and what our average ticket is, which should
provide our monthly revenue target and number of booked jobs target. Just put “yes” if you’ve
got that part in there. It’s really important that you clear your mind for the sake of your business
growth and bring that to reality.
But, it’s also important to build your marketing plan based on an outcome. If you’re clear on
where you want to go, you can reverse engineer how many leads you need to make that
happen. Once we figure out how many leads we need, how much money do we need to invest,
and if that’s how much we need to invest, how do we spend it, and where do we generate those
leads and booked jobs?
The last question is “What’s your average conversion rate from lead to booked job?”
If you think about the people that call in, submit web forms, or start chats on your website,
what percentage of those convert to a booked job? If you have great CSRs and a great follow-up
process in place, it could be in the 70-80% range. If you don’t, maybe it’s down like the 20-30%
range. Do any of you guys know what your average conversion is?
Put in the chat what your current conversion rate is.
Okay, so Jim is really clear. It’s 46 percent. Matt’s at 82. Awesome, excellent. Obviously, knowing
these two things make a big difference. If you get a higher average transaction value and get a
higher conversion rate from leads to book jobs, all of the metrics look so much better. So, I’m
just going to use this as the example: 2.5 million average ticket 750 means we need 278 jobs per
Let’s say we’ve got an average conversion of 60 percent. That would mean we need 463 leads
per month to hit our goal. Give me a “yes” if that’s clear, if that’s helpful. Because, you know,
the clearer you are on how many leads you need to generate, the better, right? Whether you’re
doing your marketing yourself or you have a professional team that does it for you.
The next thing I want you to look at is, what’s your average cost to generate a lead? This is a
little bit harder for a lot of us to gauge because if you’re all organic or you’re all word of mouth,
maybe your average cost per lead is a couple of bucks right now.
If you’re heavy on the paid side, you’re doing a lot of branding, it could get into the 30 to 50
dollar average cost per lead range. And so, how many of you guys know offhand what your
average cost per lead is right now?
what we are looking for here is your raw cost per lead. We’re finding auto repair is in the
neighborhoods of 25-35 and that’s blended, right? Your average cost per lead from paid search
is going
to be more than your average cost per lead from SEO or your average cost per lead from Google
local service ads you’re in Florida or California which is something you should be tapping into if
you are in those states. So, let’s just put in, 25.00 and you’re looking to go to 2.5 million, you
would need about 140,000 ad budget to hit that target.
If you’re at 25 per lead, you need 11,500 in average monthly spend to hit 2.5 million for the end
of the year.
So, these are just rough estimates that give you an idea of how much you need to invest
monthly to achieve the target. And, if you manage to lower the average cost per lead to $20,
then you’ll need around $9,200 per month to hit the $2.5 million run rate.
You can play with the numbers. It’s not an exact science, but it’s better than just spending
$5,000 and hoping for leads. The clearer you are on how much you need to spend and how
many leads you need to generate, the better plan you can formulate.
If you’re following me, let me know with a “1.” We have an idea of our target and how much we
need to spend monthly to reach that target.
The next thing I want you to do is click on the budget allocations tab to determine how you
want to allocate your monthly budget to maximize your outcomes.
So whatever number you put as your annual target will be brought over and now I ask you what
percentage of your total budget you want to allocate for your marketing. You should split your
monthly budget and allocate your funds strategically to maximize your outcomes. If you set your
annual target, it will ask you what percentage of revenue you want to allocate towards
marketing. We’ve found that 6% is a good conservative number to stay ahead in your business,
but if you want to grow aggressively, you should allocate somewhere between 10 and 15
If you’re feeling conservative, you should invest about 3% back into marketing. But if you want
to be aggressive, allocate between 10 and 12 percent of your annual target. You can choose
your own adventure: put 13 percent of your annual revenue into marketing if you want to be
aggressive, or put 5% if you want to be more conservative. This will help you determine your
annual marketing budget, which breaks down to $27,000 per month if you allocate 13 percent
of $2.5 million you’ll have 325,000 in annual budget for marketing. If you’re still following me,
give me a “one” in the chat.
You want to think about how to allocate your budget for internet marketing. It’s not advisable to
put all of your money towards online marketing. You should distribute some to offline marketing
and to your existing customer base. Depending on the size of my business, you can adjust the
percentage allocated to online and offline marketing.
If your revenue is below half a million dollars per year, you can allocate the lion’s share of your
budget to online marketing. For businesses between 1M and 5M dollars, it’s advisable to
allocate 60% to online and 30% to offline marketing. For businesses above five million dollars,
it’s better to allocate more to offline marketing, including brand advertising, radio, and
I suggest a 60-30-10 split is a safe allocation of funds and will give you an idea of how much you
can spend. For example, with 2.5 million in revenues with 13% you have a budget of 27,000
dollars a month. You can spend 195,000 dollars on online marketing, 97,000 to offline
marketing, and 32,000 dollars on repeated referrals. Marketing to your existing customer base is
a low-cost, high-return marketing strategy, and it’s crucial not to overlook it.
We provided a breakdown of how to allocate the budget for online versus offline marketing, as
well as SEO versus pay-per-click advertising, local service ads, and display advertising
retargeting. It’s crucial to spend more time massaging the budget and getting a realistic idea of
how much to invest to achieve your goals.
When it comes to the whole, you’ll need to spend more time massaging it to really dial it in. This
resource will help you get a realistic idea of how much you need to invest and where to
distribute your funds to meet your goals.
If you want a fighting chance of accomplishing your outcome working on these numbers is your
starting point. If you need more help with this we would be glad to sit down with you to walk
through it and explain everything while answering your questions. Hopefully this is a helpful
starting point for you.
Now that we have mapped out the budget side of things, we can move on to the strategy.
We need to know what we can spend and where we want to spend it. I’ll spend a few minutes
talking about the big picture of online marketing and the different things you need to do to
maximize my growth.
So, I call this the model for accelerated growth.
For accelerated growth, really there’s three key things as it relates to your marketing and
especially your online marketing.
Three key things we need to drive leads. Right? We’ve got to drive more and more inquiries:
phone calls, web submissions, live chats.
Then we have to maximize conversion. I think a lot of us, we think about our marketing like
when we hand things off to a marketing agency, all we think about is…
Leads. I want more leads. I want more leads. But the reality is the money is made in your
conversion of those leads to booked jobs. And it’s really made in the conversion of those
booked jobs into higher tickets, right?
And third we have to optimize Results.
And what I found is going into 2025, if you can dial in these three key things and invset your
money wisely, you can really accelerate your growth. And so when it comes to driving leads,
there’s really three key things I like to look at.
I like to look at organic, which is like your SEO play, showing up on Google Maps, showing up in
the non-paid listings when someone looks for you.
Paid Search…
“Which should be Google Ads, it would be local service ads, it would be Facebook ads. It’s
paying for traffic.
And then the third for driving leads is your database. And a lot of people don’t think about this.
They don’t realize it, but you’ve got customers. You’ve got people that have inquired about your
services in the past. If your shop doesn’t have a CRM it’s imperative that you start using one
Re-marketing to your current customer database by sending emails, sending text messages, re-
engaging with your customers, making offers, getting them to reengage with your shop. This is a
great way to drive leads and really move things forward quickly. On your spreadsheet on the
marketing calendar tab there is a place where you can put in all of your offers for the entire
year. You should think about this at the beginning of the year and plan it out and then send one
of these offers out each and every month to your current client base. If they don’t like the offer
or they don’t, it doesn’t matter. It helps you stay top of mine so when they start hearing a noise
coming out of their breaks the first person I think about is you because you’re the person that is
constantly staying in touch with them by providing them some sort of offer. Makes sense every
Great let’s move on.
what I want you to do is rate yourself using the traffic light, red, yellow green system.
So, the next thing is conversion, and really, conversion comes into three key areas.
It’s your website because everybody that gets to your company, like whether they ran a Google
search or they saw your paid ad or they saw your billboard, they’re going to wind up.
On your website. That’s a massive conversion point. We’ll talk about some things you can do to
maximize the conversion rate on your website. This is such an important topic I do a whole
workshop just on website Conversion. how do you get your website to convert at a maximum
level based on all the latest research?.
The other is your reputation, the amount of reviews you have, your average review star rating.
The fact is, you might have a great website, you might do all kinds of great marketing, but
before they do business with you, they do a quick Yelp search or they do a quick Google search,
and you come up
with a 4.8-star rating of people saying how great you are That’s important, right? Or you don’t
have any reviews which is bad or as bad as not having any current reviews. That’s really
important and will impact your conversion rates. v
The last one here, and probably the biggest driver in 2024, is going to be automation. And I find
most shop owners don’t have an automation strategy in place to help them follow up with the
leads that are coming through SEO or through paid search or through local service ads. There’s
been a massive shift where your customers would prefer to engage with you on SMS, like they
prefer to text message you than to call you. Your customers want to be followed up within five
minutes or less, otherwise, they’re going to go to somebody else. And so, do you have
automation in place where you have software that will follow up with your leads quickly and
Every lead’s getting a call and a text message in three minutes or less or they are going to go
someplace else. This is the number one way to get a website to convert to the maximum level
by the way we call it speed to lead. Do you have automatic nurture sequences where you’re
automatically calling and touching base with the customers at least five to seven times after
they inquire but haven’t booked their service call? And then, do you have automation following
up with those customers after the job to ask for review to build your reputation, to remind
them about your preventative maintenance plan, or to tell them that it’s time to get the oil
changed or brakes checked?
If you get that dialed in, you’re going to convert more of your leads, and your average cost per
lead will be less, and you’ll be able to generate more revenue with being able to spend less over
time. But I’d like you guys just real quick traffic light yourself on this one. Again, I think the
average that I’m seeing in the industry right now is the automation is the big thing that’s
having a strategy to automate, to have two-way text messaging, and to proactively manage that
process. Just in chats, just to make sure you guys are still here, you’re still tracking with me. As
you look at these driving leads and maximizing conversion, what’s the big gotcha for you right
NAME says automation, awesome. We’ll be talking about that a little bit. SMS automation,
email marketing to the existing customer base. NAME says SMS. Okay, great. We’ve got some
great options and great solutions on that front.
The next part that we want to think about is optimizing results. So as you’re generating leads
from these channels and you’re optimizing your conversion rates, there’s really three key things
you want to optimize for.
The first is you want to know total spent, right?
Whatever the budget was for the year, let’s say it was 25,000 or let’s say it was 10,000 for the
month. How much did you actually spend? How much went to SEO? How much went to pay per
click? How much went to my Yelp,?LSA ads?
What was your total spend?
And then, what was my average cost per lead?
average cost per lead. You need to know that. You need to be able to say, okay, here’s how
much I spent, here’s how many leads we generated, what’s my average cost per lead, because
you can optimize around that. You can say, okay, average cost right now is $17 per lead from
SEO, but it’s $92 per lead from pay-per-click. Let’s focus on getting more SEO leads and
optimizing pay-per-click leads to decrease costs.
Additionally, knowing your return on investment (ROI) is crucial for auto service shops to exceed
their goals. Being confident in monthly metrics, such as spending, cost per lead, and actual ROI,
is essential for continued growth. Repair shop owners that know these metrics, that know
without a question in their mind, month over month how much was spent, what the average
cost per lead was and what was the actual return on investment are the most confidant and the
most equipped to hit their goals and targets and continue to take things to the next level.
It’s helpful to rate yourself on these metrics and identify opportunities for improvement going
into the new year. Maybe its just getting clearer on your ROI. Having a tighter ROI reporting
system to track spending and average cost per lead is also important. Knowing your
optimization and focusing on your weakest area can help you improve your digital dominance
The most critical aspect is knowing your ROI, which can be measured through online reporting,
shop management program or CRM, or analyzing revenue associated with booked leads. You
can improve what you measure, so it’s important to be familiar with the numbers. The goal is to
work on your strategy and focus on the areas that need improvement to achieve digital
The digital dominance method emphasizes leading with organic strategies, such as having a
website that converts visitors into leads. Ensuring your website shows up organically when
people search for services in your area is crucial. Afterward, paid online strategies can be
tapped into, such as Google Ads and Local Service Ads. Retargeting and database marketing are
also essential for building relationships with customers and drawing them back to your site.
Paying for premium listings on sites like Google, Bing, Facebook and Yelp, is instrumental to
growth. For growth so go ahead and red light yellow light green light yourself on these three key
areas. This way you’ll know what you need to focus on.
Hopefully, this was helpful and gave you a little primer on what you want to work on, what you
want to think about strategy-wise. I hope this gave you time to process and identify the areas
that need the most work.
This is our digital dominance method. I always advocate leading with organic is the way to go as
it has the lowest cost per lead and the highest return on investment. We spend a lot of time on
the front end thinking about the website, making sure it’s built to convert and is compelling
enough to convert at 35% or higher from visitor to lead.
Is your website showing up organically when someone types in auto repair plus your city?
Getting that dialed in can drive lots of traffic and be your lowest cost per lead. From there, it’s
about tapping into your paid online strategies, such as Google Ads and Bing Ads.
Maximizing Google Pay-per-click is recommended. Leveraging retargeting is also essential,
drawing people back to the site after they visit it and building a relationship with the customers.
We can do some of that through retargeting as well.
From SEO and organic traffic, and also through paid ads, we know that people are visiting the
site, are located in the service area, and are interested in the services. However, not everyone
converts, so we need a strategy to bring them back to the site and build a relationship with
them. This is where retargeting and database marketing come in.
By using these methods, your brand will be constantly visible to people who have shown
interest in your services. Another low-hanging fruit opportunity is paying for premium listings
on common sites like Yelp. These are sites people often search when looking for auto service
there’s a pocket of customers that will just go Yelp every time they need a service, and so we
don’t want to sleep on those third-party sites. You want the organic, then you want to stack PPC
on top of that, then you want to stack retargeting on that,
And then, if you’ve got extra budget, you want to be playing in those online directories and
sources like that. From there, I really think tapping into email marketing, SMS marketing, what I
call referral-based marketing, you know, taking that one-time customer, turning them into a
repeat buyer that writes a review for you, that uses you again and again, refers you to their
friends. The only way you do that is by developing a relationship with them.
You do that by showing a great first impression, providing great service, by rolling out the red
carpet, but then also following up, having emails that thank them for their business, having
follow-up emails and say, “Hey, just wanted to check in. It’s been a week since we did BLANK for
you. How’s everything working out? Hey, it’s summer’s right around the corner. If you are
interested in BLANK let us know.
Give me a 1 if you’re following with me.
And let me tell you where this digital dominance method came from. My company Advanced
Digital Automotive Group belongs to an exclusive 250 member Master Mind Group of Agency
owners and every niche possible. Over in eight year period these are 250 owners have come up
with this particular digital dominance method and we follow it to a T like the other 249 owners
do with huge success. It’s very easy to see what we are excelling in and what we need to focus
on so the reason I made it a wheel is cause if you take out any of these parts, the wheel doesn’t
turn very well so you can red light a yellow light or green light yourself go all the way around the
circle from one through eight and that’s gonna give you a really really good idea of where you’re
currently at with your shop digitally.
Many Shops use a gunshot approach. Dialing this in is like going from a gunshot approach to a
laser scope approach! So here’s what we’ve covered so far. We’ve talked about goals and
targets, we’ve looked at the big picture strategy, and we’ve looked at the digital dominance
method – all the things you want to put in place. I feel like you probably have most of what you
need from a plan perspective to say, “Okay, here’s what we need to do going into the next year.”
There are 12 Critical Elements to Enhance Conversion.
The Key things to consider from the perspective of conversion optimization are listed in your
First is to speak to your perspective customers you know who are they are what their goals and
problems are and why should they choose you?
Next is use authentic imagery, such as real pictures of the business, the parking area, customer
waiting area, the owners and team members rather than stock photography.
Video content has dominated the Internet for several years now. A really a great idea is to have
a Welcome video on your homepage and if you can create videos for each one of your services
that’s awesome people are visual creatures, We Think, and dream in Images. Brief video
explaining why someone should contact you first instead of the competition is also a great idea.
Never cut down the competition, just how you do things better.
I’m constantly amazed at the amount of businesses that don’t utilize leveraging social proof. put
your positive reviews in the top loading part of your websites homepage. the moment your
Website loads you want to climb down subconsciously in the mind of your potential customer
and instill trust and one of the ways that you do that is getting those reviews, front and center.
Next is getting your website basics in order, like a large phone number in the upper right hand
corner of every single page of your website has been proven to increase Websites conversion
rates. you want to make sure that there’s a web form that the customers can fill out and add
any other credibility symbols like the Better Business Bureau or AMRA MAP, ASA, ACA, etc.
Ensure there is a clear calls to action that are clear until the customer what to do next.
Use of special offers and incentives or discounts can be of great help. It’s really good to change
up your incentives and offers consistently on your website.
The majority of online users are on mobile devices. I’m sure you guys know that so making sure
that your website looks great on mobile devices and has easy navigation with a click to call
function on your phone number is very important..
Personally, God gave me two years and one mouth for Communication not fingers, but
unfortunately there is a massive part of our population that that is their preferred method of
communication. Massive research has been done on this and across the board. All businesses
receive anywhere from 10 to 20% increase in revenues by implementing a Live Chat function on
their website as long as their website is getting traffic.
Another statistic that’s well documented is Companies that start providing online bookings see
an up to a 22% increase in revenues. This is document across all businesses whether it’s a boat
rental company, car rental or anything that has anything to do with booking an appointment
there’s just so many people that don’t want to talk to anybody they just want to book. I can tell
you right now if you don’t have online booking on your Shops website, you’re missing revenues.
In 2025, website speed is a crucial element that Google pays close attention to.
Check if your website loads quickly on desktop and mobile devices by visiting GT Metrics.
Last engaging potential customers with SMS and phone via automation marketing is a game
changer. You’re busy running your shop let computer software follow up with leads for you. In
fact, the hottest topic in the Digital Marketing world for all businesses, including auto repair
shops is automated lead follow up software.
We’ve run out of time and I wasn’t able to really go through the workbook, but a lot of it is self-
explanatory, but there is something I really want to point out. There is the ultimate Internet,
marketing checklist for Auto Repair Shops in your workbook. This checklist Is a game changer for
shops that have taken the time to go down this list and check off everything They know that
they’ve got nailed. They know that they’re really doing well and then they focus on the things
that they can’t check off or they get information about them if they don’t know what they are.
This list is a compilation of what some of the top shops in North America due on a consistent
basis to grow and expand their companies. Please.., spend a few minutes going through this list
and take it seriously don’t just check it off and set it aside. Keep it in front of you every day.
what you can’t just check off is now your Digital to do list. Remember, nothing changes until you
change it.
If you have any questions or you would like do you have one of our specialist to take a look at
your website and digital presence and I encourage you to schedule a Discovery Call with us. And
it is just that it is Discovery Call. We don’t take on every shop that contact us as we know that
we’re not a good fit for every shop.
We’ve started a Facebook group the “auto repair shop owners alliance” and would really
appreciate you joining. The whole purpose for this Facebook group is to connect fellow shop
owners. You’ll be able to ask questions seek or give advice, and in general just have a great
community where other shop owners like you can share.
Well, guys, again, it’s been my pleasure. I appreciate you taking the time to invest in the
knowledge that can help you grow your business. I’m Excited to hear about your wins, excited
to hear about what you guys want to accomplish in 2025 and beyond. If anybody’s got
questions, I’d love to hang out for a minute and answer any questions that you guys might have.
Thanks so much for your time. Have an amazing afternoon. We’re here to serve, we’re here to
support, and excited to see everybody accomplish great things in the new year.
Thanks a lot, guys. I’ll talk to you later.