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12 Tips for Increased Visibility

To maximize the benefits of their web presence, automotive business owners must understand how auto repair SEO works. Among other things, this popular marketing strategy involves driving traffic to automotive websites so that these sites will experience increased visibility in the digital realm. What is SEO visibility? SEO visibility refers to the percentage of traffic or […]

10 SEO Techniques To Boost Your Shop’s Ranking

ADAG-seo techniques to boost automotive websites

The term SEO is commonly heard in digital marketing, online businesses, and internet circles. But despite its common use, many people still don’t understand how it works. However, this lack of understanding of how SEO works hasn’t stopped marketers from embracing it and including it in their marketing campaigns. According to Safari Digital research, 61% of […]

The 2023 SEO Techniques You Should Know

ADAG-automotive seo techniques

Automotive SEO is a digital marketing strategy that aims to improve the online visibility of car repair websites by ranking them higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). It includes various tactics such as local SEO initiatives, on-page optimization, and structured data usage. However, despite its proven effectiveness, many automotive businesses fail to incorporate a […]

Skills That an Automotive Content Writer Should Have

A content writer woman with Buttoned Blazer outfit, smiling while looking at her laptop.

To run a auto repair business effectively, you must be well-versed in fixing broken or damaged cars. However, while your skill set may be in repairing damaged vehicles, it takes an entirely different skill set to write about it. Hiring a professional content writer is a good idea if you have yet to develop a […]

Steps in Developing a Brand for Your Auto Repair Shop

A man creates steps on how to develop a brand on his laptop.

If you’re running an auto repair shop, you are operating in a highly competitive industry. The automotive industry is congested with many operators trying to establish a unique brand for their businesses. If you want to set your business apart from its competitors and increase your market share, developing a unique brand for your auto repair shop […]

Why Have a Mobile-Friendly Website for Your Auto Shop

A hand holding a smartphone.

Nowadays, accessing the internet can be done through many different devices. Given this, the chances that people will visit your car repair shop website using a desktop or a laptop computer are becoming smaller. It is more likely that they will use a tablet or a smartphone instead. A few years back, websites that were […]

SEO Techniques That You Should Avoid Using

A hand on a laptop screen displays SEO performance text.

SEO, in layperson’s terms, is the process of signaling or attracting the attention of search engines. The signaling triggers the search engine to crawl your site, looking for a given keyword or phrase. The search engine ranks your site higher on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) if it finds the appropriate quantity and spacing of given […]

Why Get a Content Writer for Your Auto Repair Shop

A hand typing on a keyboard. Content writer typing.

Writing about the automotive industry is a challenging task. There are many technical terms that the average reader may need help understanding, and this can eventually affect the way they receive the message that your written piece wants to get across. When you engage the services of a good content writer, you can expect to have well-written, […]

9 Reasons Your Auto Repair Shop Should Have a Website

Auto repair shop area and equipment.

There is a growing perception that Facebook and Google My Business (GMB) are slowly replacing websites as promotional channels for businesses like auto shops. While this might have some basis, it does not necessarily mean that websites will soon become defunct. Without a doubt, GMB, Facebook, and several other social networking sites play a major role in […]

Creating a Distinct Brand for Your Auto Repair Shop

Branded car emblem.

In 2018, there were more than 200,000 auto repair shops operating in America. Since that time, the number of auto repair shops has increased annually by approximately 2% and this trend is expected to continue regardless of economic conditions. While it is true there is a steady demand for the services of auto repair shops, existing business […]