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good afternoon everybody and welcome to the ASA webinar Wednesday we’re so happy
that you’re here with us today and we have a great program today it is on how
to convert more leads into book jobs and we have a wonderful presenter Paul
Donahue president and CEO of Advanced Digital Automotive Group and Paul is an
expert at this and he’s going to tell us exactly how to do this for our shops I’m Julie masero and I’m the executive
director dor of Asa and I am thrilled that you’re here with us today just a
couple of housekeeping things all L this webinar and listen only which means that you can’t ask questions live so for
those of you who would have a question during the presentation please type that into the chat area and Paul and I will
monitor that and we’ll do those questions at the end of his presentation so in the meantime sit back
and enjoy it and I will turn over to Mr Donahue thanks Julie I really appreciate
it thank you very much for joining on today’s session we’re going to be talking about really what I think is the
biggest marketing challenge facing auto repair shop owners this is something I’m extremely passionate about so I couldn’t be more excited to go deep with this and
to unpack it and really get you guys a lot more money from your marketing so anyway if you could give me your
undivided attention I really appreciate it go ahead and you know close your Facebook and other browsers you know as
information in the session that I’m going to deliver today will have an immediate and measurable impact on your
company’s revenues if you implement it so I want to give you guys a couple of minutes before we start thinking about
what are some of the challenges that you’re facing maybe it’s not having enough leads maybe it’s getting bad
quality leads I hear that a lot from Facebook advertising maybe it’s leads not converting which is one of the
biggest issues there is today just think about what is your biggest concern and go ahead and drop it in the chat for me
that way I can take a look at those so we’ve got a pretty good pulse on what guys are doing for marketing you know
what’s working best and some of the struggles and frustrations that you’re facing What I Hear most often is almost
every day is we need more leads shops call us and one of the first things they say is we need more leads we need to
rank higher on Google so almost all repair shop companies feel like the answer for growing their business is
just to get more leads so more leads through SEO more leads through pay per click more leads through your Google
business profile and more leads through Google local service ads or it’s called
Google guaranteed now Google just for your information they’re only rolling
out Google LSA ads or Google guaranteed ads in Florida and California they’re testing the waters before they do the
rest so of course I shouldn’t be the one telling you this if you have a marketing company you already know that so if we can get more leads and then we can make
more money we can keep the Baye full and we can accomplish our goals and really be a success right sometimes it’s not
enough leads other times it’s low quality so some shops say you know we get plenty of leads it’s just the
quality of those leads aren’t where they need to be we get a lot of Price Shoppers we get people that they’re not in our service area we get people that
just really aren’t serious about doing something you know right away so other times it’s the cost to generate a lead
is too high so which means low return on investment so it’s like yeah you know we
get leads but it’s costing us 100 to 150 bucks per lead and even if we’ve got great conversion rates there’s no way to
really monetize at that level so sometimes the cost of the leads it’s just too high other
times it’s a lack of clear tracking for your return on your investment so you’re
generating leads in fact I just talked to somebody yesterday she goes yeah I’m getting some leads but she doesn’t really know how many
more than she was getting before so you know if you’re generating leads you’re making a return on investment from your
marketing so if you can’t really see what’s actually working and what’s not you’re just spinning your wheels so
you’re kind of Flying Blind there’s a famous quote that says my marketing is working 50% of the time I just don’t
know which 50% so not being visible to really what actually is generating the
results and not being clear on what’s generating the results from the marketing that you do is one of the biggest challenges I see another big
challenge is too many options there are so many different things that we can do to Market our Auto Repair Service
businesses there’s so many different things from websites SEO pay-per-click social media running ads doing
Billboards sending out flyers you know active in local networks blah blah blah you guys I don’t need to play this
violin for you so sometimes when there’s you know so many options it’s really hard to tell what you should be doing
versus what you shouldn’t the question though in my mind is what’s the biggest challenge so I would say that most of
you would come to the table with not enough leads if I can get more leads all that stuff will take care of itself but
is lead flow really the problem when you think about the amount of options that are available that can actually generate
a tangible measurable return on investment you know from SEO to Google Map Pack LSA ads which are coming in
really strong in Florida and California and actually you know generating a good return on investment in my opinion
there’s an infinite Supply or practically infinite supply of leads that you can tap into for your uto
repair company I don’t really believe that leads are the problem so if you
really believe that you’ve got a lead problem what I would suggest is to grab a copy
of my book it’s the ultimate SEO guide for automotive service businesses it’s available on our website I also wrote
another book it’s how to Triple your sales in record time so you can get either one of those by just going to my
website so now this is our digital dominance method which shows you things
that you could be doing to maximize your lead flow via the Internet and it really paints a very very step-by-step picture
of how to do that that by the way this came from several years of research into the top auto repair shops in North
America what did they all have in common consider this a chain of eight links if you’re weak in any area you guys get the
picture so anyway I really believe that the biggest challenge in automotive repair today is unconverted leads so
you’re generating leads from a lot of different sources I just talked about you’ve got plenty of opportunity you’re
just not converting as many of them as you could or you should so let me explain why that is here’s the problem
as I see it research proves that 50 to 60% of inbound leads they leave
unconverted and in some case it’s even higher than that that means for every 10 people that call in or that are
interested in one of your services that didn’t book on the call uh you know you didn’t book the job and we also see that
something like 90% of web forms fail to convert you know web forms being that
form on your website where somebody you know can submit a request for information or they enter their name and
their phone number and their email address and you know the web form goes off we’re seeing that web forms are sort
of where the leads they go to Die the leads go there somebody in the office might be tasked with following up but
they don’t get followed up with quickly enough and they get flooded with other people or calls and they just don’t have
the time to get back to them so the lon share of those don’t convert and here’s why really as we’ve drilled down on this
here’s why these leads aren’t converting leads that aren’t followed up within 15 15 minutes go
cold now that’s based on research now let me tell you the second part of that research you’re 21 times more likely to
book that job in your shop if you get with them within five minutes so somebody that’s got an auto repair
problem they’re trying to solve it quick and if they’re if they submitted the form if they’ve called your shop and left the message and they don’t get
followed up within 15 minutes or less as the the research shows theyve moved on so they’ve contacted somebody else and
they’ve scheduled with another shop so second is the average customer needs to be followed up with five to seven
times before booking so for this I’m talking about the people that submitted the form or they called in and asked
about a price and they said oh let me check around and you hang up the phone and that’s it so there is no followup so
imagine you being the shop that follows up with them five to seven times after they’ve called you so they’re requesting
an estment they’re requesting a quote or they just call in and say Hey you know let me talk with my wife or check with whoever these conversations happen again
and again in your business and most auto repair shops book the ones that happen right on the fly but there is no follow
up after that initial conversation with the ones that don’t book and that’s where the gold is so I think the biggest
reason leads are converting at a low level in today’s economy is that today’s
customers prefer to interact via text message versus a phone call so we’ve all
been hardwired in our auto repair services to know that a lead is somebody that calls your shop
right if they call your shop and they have a conversation and they explain their problem and we’re able to kind of
get around their objections and we get them booked in our calendar that’s how our leads convert well the reality is
there’s been a massive transition from your ideal customer to your ideal Prospect wanting to call to really
preferring to engage via a text message so I’ll just ask because some of you are going to resist me on this personally I
believe God gave me two ears and a mouth for communication not fingers so unfortunately 20% of the population it’s
actually 20% plus now but 20% plus of the population now prefer to send the text over a phone call or filling out a
form so the bottom line is if you don’t have text messaging on your website
you’re losing lots of sales to your competition and if you look at your competitors in your area and none of them have text messaging on their
websites and you are the one that puts it on there bingo so anyway here here’s the reality the customer that you want
is moving more and more towards preferring text message as their alternative so these are just some of
the underlying trends that I want to make sure that you’re aware of and you know you will get texts like hey can you
guys fix my car but don’t worry what you do is you start the conversation with them I’ll
get into it a little further into the workshop so really I believe the solution is leveraging automation to follow up with your web forms within 2
minutes of a submission via phone or email email lead automation follow-up
software now exists so I’m going to show you exactly how it works I’m going to show you exactly how you can plug into
it so you can follow up within 15 minutes or less everything that we do is 5 minutes or less everything okay next
you can use lead automation follow-up software to make sure that every
Prospect gets touched at least five times and engaged via 2-way text message
as opposed to just narly being forced to engage via phone so I’ll unpack this further as we go but
these are the high level trends that I want you to understand and so the math on this is actually pretty simple we’ve
done some split testing and we’ve done some data mining here and let’s say the average auto repair company is doing 100
leads a month I know a lot of you do potentially more than that but this just you know some of you 100 leads would be
great you know Target to strive for but let’s just say it’s 100 leads a month average conversion rate 30% okay now on
average in the industry from cold inbound inquiries about 30% unfortunately is the reality because
there’s no followup right you know most of the shops get a lead if the person’s ready to book right they they’ll book on
that first call and they book it but if they don’t there’s no followup after that so and when a form comes in the
team’s too busy there’s nobody tasked with following up with the leads and sending up follow-up text messages and sending up follow-up phone you know make
doing follow-up phone calls sending up follow-up emails there’s literally no follow-up which means for 100 leads you
get about 30 book jobs now I’m just going to use an average ticket 30 book jobs with an average ticket of $650 now
I know some of you are higher some of you are lower auto body repair much much much higher 650 decent number for Auto
Repair on 100 leads you generate around 19,500 Revenue now probably not as good
as it needs to be to build a business on 100 lead generated now on the flip side
to that is if we can generate those same hundred leads we’re not doing any additional marketing
we’re not increasing our spend in any way we’re taking the leads that we’re already getting to our website from our
current marketing we can increase that to 70% and I really believe with proper
followup on your leads and tapping into automation which I’m going to be showing you here in a minute is very very
realistic because you can automate the followup and you can make sure that that lead gets followed up within five
minutes or less every single time and you can make sure that they’re touched in a number of times in a number of
waves at after their inquiry until they either book or they go away all right so
for that same 100 leads instead of 30 jobs we wind up with 70 book jobs same
ticket 650 we’re able to generate 45,000 in Revenue over oh it’s over double the
amount of Revenue just by dialing in our marketing Automation and this isn’t Pine the sky technology it exists now it
makes every lead that you have more valuable you can spend more to generate leads you can be more aggressive with
your marketing strategy you can have better profitability you can afford to go out and recruit the top technicians
pay them top dollar because you’re converting your leads and you’re maximizing your return on investment the
fortune and the higher profitability is in the followup key number one is we
have to engage the way that our customers want to be engaged with I talked about this a little bit but
here’s a statistic and this comes from research that’s been validated over and over again statistics show us that 98%
of all text messages are opened and 95% are responded to within three minutes of
being delivered what’s more is the US consumers are five times more likely to
send and receive a text message then a phone call so we all have our phones we get that little text bubble and we’re
conditioned like Pavlov’s dog to respond to it so we’re also conditioned to
ignore the phone I mean I hate to admit it but I would say almost every phone call I get goes
to voicemail my phone’s off right now it is most of the day I deal with it when I have a chance you know unless it’s my
wife right so I think you’re probably the same and your customer is the same
this transition has already happened email 10% so email response rates are the
absolute lowest but it’s still important that you do email follow-ups so if your main channel to engage with your
customers is the phone exclusively you’re going to be missing out on the line share of where the communication
and conversation should take place so I’ll beat this one like a dead horse we have to follow up quickly and just some
statistics on this leads that aren’t followed up again I want to go over this for the vi that that are just popping into this Workshop leads that aren’t not
followed up within 15 minutes go Cal we know that to be the case but more important is that a lead followed up
within 5 minutes is 21 times more effective than calling 30 minutes later
so I want that to sink in a lead that is followed up within 5 minutes is 21 times more effective than calling 30 minutes
later so if you’re the Johnny on the spot if you’re dealing with a situation
where you feel like man you know I’m following up with these leads but they’ve already gotten contacted by seven different shops and I’m already
lost the opportunity so give me a yes in the comments if you’ve ever experienced what I’m talking about here it’s like oh
man you know I lost the opportunity before even had a chance to talk with them Trisha we getting any yeses oh okay there they I I see the
bubble hey Russell yeah thank you for that yeah when a web form is submitted do you have somebody that’s Johnny on
the spot obviously you can’t be paying somebody to sit there looking at a computer screen waiting for web forms to
come in so web forms and other inbound inquires usually get dealt with when there’s time often I see these inbound
inquiries get dealt with in batches like twice a day you know that that’s kind of common two or three times a day if a
lead got follow followed up within two to 4 hours from when it came in we feel like that’s a win but the statistics
tell us that if we’re not following up immediately we’re losing these book jobs so as a matter of fact after five
minutes the odds of qualifying a lead drops by 80% and here’s the kicker 50% of leads go with the shop that responds
first if you can follow up first you will win at least 50% of the time just by the quickest to respond this is why
we want to leverage automation as you’re looking at this you’re like okay I get it I get it need
to follow up quick what’s that going to cost me what’s it going to cost me in money because you know I got to hire
somebody maybe a part-time or full-time salesperson and their job is to just follow up on the leads but there’s not
enough leads to keep that person busy well the technology exists it just
hasn’t really been brought out to auto repair shops until now it hasn’t really been implemented at a high level but the
ideal outcome would be that every lead comes into your shop from whatever
method they get a text message and an email Within in 30 seconds and somebody from your office personally calls them
within 5 minutes we want every lead that doesn’t convert you know doesn’t book right away or doesn’t say no you know
gets touched at least seven times via email text message and phone until they
either book or say they’re not interested so let me ask you if you followed up with your leads in this way
do you believe that you could significantly improve your conversion rates give me a yes in the comments if you feel that’s a no-brainer and no in
the comments if you feel that no that’s not going to work for me Carl yep anybody else Carl’s the only one
that thinks that if they followed up with their leads faster they would have a higher conversion rate he’s speaking for all of them he’s speaking for all of
them awesome thanks so let me show you how this works I’ve got a flow diagram here so I’m going to unpack this step by
step how can we leverage current Cutting Edge technology so that you know we can
automatically book something like 60 or 70% of the people that inquire with us
in the way they want to engage with us not the way we want to engage with them so somebody comes to your website they
inquire and they get a call an SMS message and an email almost instantaneously the customer will get a
message hey I saw you submitted a request on our site did you want to schedule in and there’s a link for them to schedule in and then you know
leveraging artificial intelligence we can tell the intent of their response really there’s only two legitimate responses they might say yes or what
times they have available the artificial intelligence engines are smart enough to recognize positive or negative intent
right and if that’s the case then all we want to do is say great here’s a link pick a time that works best for you on
your calendar so I’m going to talk about something that’s a psychological advantage which is what I call a soft
booking and this is really important I don’t know if any of you owners have
heard that term before soft booking if we ask for the booking and they reply
back no not right now I got a couple of questions then we can treat them like any of the leag you know we’d have to
call them back get them on the phone answer their problems and you know try to get them scheduled in what we’re
finding is something like 60% of your inquiries just want to get their issue
resolved and booked they just want to know they got something booked so they can stop their research they wouldn’t
feel like it’s done I need to get this done on my list today the other 40% we can treat just like any other Le we can
call them on the phone we can talk to them through so we have a tracking dashboard that we use to track the
results for our clients and we really want to be able to show them here’s how much you spent here’s how many leads you
generated here’s the average cost per lead you know what we’re seeing here is a 10,500 monthly ad spend that includes
management fees paperclick advertising organic Etc so for that they got 307 leads and the average cost per lead was
3410 pretty good and then of course leads coming in from organic and from pay-per-click from Google Maps web forms
on their site Etc so 307 leads did not have any Automation and let’s say that
these they have no Automation in place this is a classic example of a lead that came in um you know somebody at the
office answers these leads once a day on web forms and there’s no automation okay and
30% was probably more on giving them the benefit of the doubt in terms of what the conversion rates were so on 307
leads actually it was like 30% so about 92 book jobs so average ticket of 650 92
book jobs at 650 is 59,800 in Revenue which is you know seven times return on
investment I mean I think most of us if we could spend a dollar and get seven in return that’s pretty pretty good so
research proves that by putting automations in place we saw an increase of up to 70% on average conversion rate
so for that 307 leads 215 book jobs it’s the same ticket without you know spending any additional money on
Advertising without even you know changing their sales process or their conversion rates so
139,000 in Revenue versus 59,800 just by significantly improving
the conversion rates we’re using some averages here so getting our lead conversion optimized and dialed in you
know has had you know a huge impact on our results so I don’t know how many of you have ever heard of Dan Kennedy I’m a
big student of direct response marketing I’m a big student of marketing in general he’s one of the Godfathers of
direct response marketing and he’s famously quoted as saying the business that can spend the most to acquire the
customer wins you know and when you can start to convert your leads at a much higher
level you can spend more than the competition to acquire the customers cuz they’re all going after the same
customer and that’s how we get the competitive advantage to be able to go out hire the best technicians and grow
our businesses so give me a yes in the comments if that makes sense to you guys and gals if you’re in one of those
markets where there’s a 100 pound gorilla that seems to be spending a ton of money on Direct response they’re
running radio ads they’re running Billboards they’re doing PPC they’ve got a massive budget and you’re like how in
the world do they do that right well they figured out how to pay more to acquire customers and still remain
profitable within their business niche market so let’s talk about how to implement this in your business so
looking at into our flowchart somebody gets to your website let’s say they saw an ad let’s say they ran a search but
they get to your site and usually we’ve got some type of calls to action we want to have a spot where they can submit a
form obviously we want to give them the option to call we should always have the option for them to engage in a chat ask
a question you know what happens from there is we we want to have a confirmation page that says yeah thank
for submitting a request you know would you like to go ahead and schedule a time now and then give them the option to
schedule but then we also want to have automations running in the background to nurture that lead and follow up with
them almost instantaneously so things that you want to have on your website are a popup chat with us now schedule a
service check out our reviews browse our specials so just to make it easy for them to get where they want to go and if
they want to chat great have a quick conversation if they want to schedule know let’s get them straight to the
scheduler if they still need to see some more reviews they need to you know see some more social proof before selecting
your shop let them go where they need to go but this is where the magic happens 99% of auto repair shops when you fill
out the form it just sits there waiting for someone on your team to take action waiting on someone to follow up and in
the minutes as we’ve seen from the statistics those are dollars burning so we utilize something called smart forms
when somebody engages via chat or form on the site we can set it up where a couple of things happen automatically so
first thing that happens is a text message just a simple not too flowery text message say hey this is Ashley from
perfect Auto Repair thanks for reaching out to us via the form on our site would you like to schedule your service or estimate now just very simple very
unassuming now in tangem to that we want to try and call them and so we’ve got
something that’s called Smart Connect so once somebody fills out a form it’ll instantly call your office your shop or
to whoever the counter rep is that takes your inbound calls and it’ll say press one someone just filled out a form on
your website press one to connect now and so there’s still a lot of people that prefer to connect live on the phone
but the thing is they just filled out a form and within 10 seconds they’re getting a phone call and so what we want
to do is eliminate the friction eliminate the potential for that lead to go 5 10 15 20 minutes without getting a
response so we force a call to the shop and you’ll hear press one to connect now you got to lead from Jason and it’ll
call the lead and if Jason answerers great you treat just like you what any other call so hey this is actually a
perfect Auto Repair you just submitted the form on our website is there something I can help you with you try to
book the job because we know 50% of your customers are going to go with the company that contacts them first so now
what’s important with automation is the fact that most of us ignore phone calls
even if we just submitted the form I’ll bet you 50 to 60% or more of the people will hit the reject button when your
call comes in so you have a pre-recorded method that drops in instantaneously
they’ll get a voicemail but so the they submitted the form they’re going to get a text message right after that they get
the voicemail which is hey this is Ashley over here a perfect aut repair I see you just submitted the form on our
website we wanted to make sure that we reached out to you right away so I sent you a text message as well with a link to schedule Yen let us know if you got
any questions or if there’s anything that we can do to serve you so most people when they get that automatic call
they’re trained not to answer phone calls from numbers that we don’t recognize but they’ll get the text so
instantaneously they’ve got the text message they’ve got a call they’ve got the voicemail and they feel like wow perfect Auto Repair is like really on
the ball uh they followed up with me extremely quick and they’re trying to resolve my problem quickly as they can
now no one thinks this consciously but I guarantee that’s what the subconscious message they receive is and then of
course we can send the obligatory email like I said 10% response rate but some
people still prefer email so send an email so we received your request give us a call back that kind of email but
the fact is we’re seeing that the conversions happen with the text message not the email but we’ll send it anyways
just to make sure that you’ve covered all your bases remember statistics show us that 98% of all text messages are
opened and 95% are opened and responded to within 3 minutes of being delivered email response rates 10% or less is this
making sense so far you know forms come up someone re feedback we follow up through them with automation you know
they get the text message a phone call an email a voicemail they get all that stuff how it works is a call will come
through through a tracked phone line and it’ll ring straight to your shops line if they call it back if they do respond
you’ll see it instantaneously on an app now the app can be on multiple devices so more than one staff member can
respond and you can resolve the issue assuming the automation doesn’t pick it up and take care of it for you suffice
it to say you’re able to through your app on your phone or through your desktop engage with these people via
text message the app is available on both IOS and Android so more than 60% of
the people that submit a form or submit an inquiry of some sort just want to book the job some of them have questions
but a lot of them they just want to book in the time frame that works on their schedule so they can psychologically check this off their list right the
messages that we send are simple they’re not flowery we’re not going to you know talk about how great your shop is we’re not going to talk about the fact that
you’ve been in business X number of years we’re just going to say yes great pick a time that works for you and take them to your calendar if they say no not
a problem or give us a call or somebody from our team will be reaching out to you shortly and it can happen whether
they responded via the text message or whether they responded via an email so
from a marketing perspective what we’re trying to do here is let them off the hook this is the soft booking I was
talking about earlier we’ve gotten them to the place where they’re at our website and they’re trying to solve their problem they need someone to
diagnose their problem give them help give them a quote a lot of them are looking for quotes they don’t want to spend a long time searching if you look
at the psychological profile of the average customer they just want something off their plate so they can move on with their day so the average
person goes to the phone they’ll Run a search they’ll click on the first company that comes up they’ll call they’ll submit a form they didn’t get an
answer they didn’t book they go to the next person in the list on Google and then next until they get satisfaction so
if you take them down a channel you know where they can just get a soft booking maybe not a hard booked on your calendar
for Thursday at 3 but tenda toally scheduled for Thursday between 3 and 6 in their mind they can say okay I pretty
much got this taken care of and they can stop their search and that’s where we land that new customer so your two main
ways of getting customers or referrals and people that don’t have referrals to Google searches so we want to get them from the Google search so we want to
bring them into your world we want to get them to inquire we want to get them to a place where they stop searching and
commit to your shop as quickly and efficiently as possible and really that’s what this is all about the next
part of it is an alert that goes to your company so in tandem to them getting
this information this automation that follows up and that asks them if they want to go ahead and schedule a time a
message goes out to your company in the form of an app alert so you’re going to use the conversion app which I’ll be
talking about here in a minute you you get an alert on your phone or your desktop to say hey there’s a lead in play and then the call connect comes
into your office you’ve got an inquiry press one to connect now that way they’re getting live communication
almost instantly and in just as first part of the automation we solved the biggest reason that most leads don’t
convert and that’s they’re not followed up within five minutes or less it’s really that simple super quick super
responsive follow through I call it speed the lead the one that’s the speediest to the lead gets the lead the
next part is you get that soft booking where they say okay yeah Thursday between 3 and 5 that’s fine I’ll come in
and have you look at my problem they book that time they’re they’re going to get a confirmation you know to say that
they picked a time and then a text that goes out you know that’s saying thanks for scheduling your time and then of
course they’re going to get the confirmation follow-ups you know hey SCH for in an hour you know in tomorrow so
they get emails and they get texts we’ve given them a soft booking and you get notified Linda who submitted that form
went ahead and picked Thursday between 3 and 5 and that’s what we want right we want them to end their search we want
your team not to be focusing on every inquiry but to focus on the people that said they had specific questions and the
people that said they’re booked and just calling them up you know hey I see that you want to come in between 3 and 5 on
Thursday it looks like we do that and then they may say yes or no you know more often than not they’ll have a
question or two and this is your opportunity to seal the deal you know you might have to move it based on when
your availability is for that technician for their particular problem so I hope this is making sense so far really what
we’re after is the prospect getting that soft booking and they stop their search so they can tely that’s it they’re done
they’re scheduled with your shop and so that’s the flow obviously some people don’t respond
and we can put them into automatic nurture sequence where they continue to get unobtrusive hey this is Ashley from
perfect Auto Repair thanks for reaching out I just wanted to check in to see if you had an auto repair or maintenance
need just soft touches like that and because sometimes people are just busy and they’re like oh yeah yeah I need to
get that taken care of and you get a response and they get that every couple of days until they reply black nope
already got it you know booked or actually yes and you’d be amazed I’m constantly Amazed by how often somebody
will be two weeks into the cycle and they’ll have received multiple emails and text messages in a very non-annoying
way now they can opt out anytime they want also and they finally replied like yeah yeah they’ll just call in the
office and say hey I got your text message let’s go ahead and schedule it and this is the power of marketing Automation and that’s just if you think
about the people that you got to your website and converted so really you have lots of lead
sources imagine being able to take all of the leads in addition to the phone inquiries that come into your shop but
don’t book and taking them through an automation program like this you know do
you believe this would have an impact on your conversion rates do you think that you would have that first caller Advantage if you can go to our website
it’s autore ASA at autoshop amp that’s the name of
the program if you want to get more information or sign up for this program just go there and I’ll get into the
pricing here in a second you know remember that leads that aren’t followed up within 15 minutes or less they go cold they follow up within 5 minutes is
21 times more effective than calling after 30 minutes and 50% of the leads
convert and go to the first company that responds and statistics show us 98% of
text messages are opened and 95% are respond to within the first three minutes of being delivered so there’s
some serious power to this whole process so if you’re like this sounds pretty interesting the next question is would
you like us to implement it for you we fleshed out this technology we fleshed out the campaigns the text message
campaigns the email camp campaigns the marketing automation campaigns following the logic of customer responses so if
you’re interested in having us actually put this on the front of your leads that come to your shop and if this is okay
the name of our program is called autoshop amp the reason I call it autoshop amp is because I believe it’s
got the power to amplify your conversion rates because everything we’ talked about on the session we basically it’s
one pricing option again is taking the technology and implementing it for you and kind of training your team on the
back end of how you use it and then you know really just putting the stuff in place so you really maximize the power
of the marketing automation the investment is $4.95 a month it’s there’s a $99 setup and we pay the usage fees so
you’ve got you know phone and text usage fees but we incur those costs so the way
I see it is if we can help you book just one or two additional jobs per month as a function of having this Automation in
place it more than pays for itself and this is going to help you book significantly more than one job it’s
also going to impress your potential clients they’ll be like wow I can’t believe it I love the way you guys followed up so quickly I love the fact
that you guys are so proactive I love the fact that we can engage with you via text message and get problem solved it’s
going to save you money but it’s going to make you more money and it’s it’s going to also make you look great to your customers if that sounds good
there’s usually a 99 setup fee and that’s for us to configure the campaigns to set up you know your number and get
everything up and running and do all that stuff but as a part of this ASA Workshop we’re waving that setup fee so
for those of you that say yep sounds good I like to get it going I’m going to stick around and answer any questions you’ve got but just go to the auto
repair ASA and then just C that schedule a demo
thing I’ll know who you are and just pick a time on your calendar and then I can meet with you oneon-one one other
thing is we can also put nurture campaigns in place for your existing customer base you know think about all
the customers that did a service call with you and imagine nurturing those customers month over month via text
message and email so once we have this software set up we can do SMS marketing
campaigns and email marketing campaigns to your current client base if you’re not currently doing that and you start
doing it your sales just went up by 20% let me say that again if you’re not
tapping into your current customer base on a planned month-by-month marketing program then your sales will increase
20% from what they are right now so you know imagine having an upsell campaign to take you know someone that just
scheduled with you or just did a job with you but didn’t take that maintenance plan or whatever else you’re offering so anyway I want to be clear on
one thing you need to have a website that’s built to convert there’s been massive amounts of
research in the last couple years on the strategies required to get websites to convert better the reason all this
research took place is they found that 20 to 60% of traffic to websites goes unconverted and since then a flurry of
research has been done and there were many things that they found that can be implemented to get websites to convert
more visitors at the highest possible by the way all of them are
subconscious psychological triggers so in February I did a workshop with the
automotive management Network Automotive Management Institute Automotive Maintenance repair Association and
Motors insurance program on what the latest proven strategies are to convert
more of your websites visitors that are you’re currently receiving into book jobs not how to add more to your
marketing just how to get take more that you’re already receiving and get more book jobs from it if you’d like the link
to that webinar which is how to optimize your website for maximum conversion lead
flow send me an email info@ autoair and I’ll send that info to you
you can also reach us toll-free 877237 6969 or go to autore
ASA for autoshop am and schedule yourself and to meet with me personally it is a first come first serve thing so
the autoshop amp program is included with all of our digital marketing grow grow program so reach out to us if you’d
like to get an in-depth analysis of your Shop’s website and digital presence as it compares to your competitors if you haven’t had one of these done most shops
the successful ones do these annually they get an in-depth competitor analysis where their shop is compared to their
competitors on a 12 month basis all of our clients we provide them one we don’t take everyone who comes to us so we do a
discovery call First okay and that’s at autor repair for/ schedule so
the biggest question is will this make you more money will it help you convert more leion your business I think the
obvious answer is yes if you’re worried about the $495 per month fee for the software you’ll save that in two ways
one you’ll save it labor cost alone because a lot of shops don’t have enough revenues to hire another person to do
these tasks that’s why we have computers do them so you know you’ll be Johnny on the spot to make sure your leads get
followed up quickly and two you’ll make it back without question and more jobs that get booked again if we can help you
convert just one or two more jobs as a function of this automation this technology it’ll more and pay for itself
and I have no question that it will it’s all about maximizing your lead flow that you’re currently getting and following
up on the phone and from following up you know instead of following up when you have a chance to following up with
them immediately leveraging automation giving your customers the ability to engage in the way that’s most
comfortable for them which for most people today’s text message and then making sure that you’ve got some nurture
sequences in place to follow up with those unconverted leads so they can either say yes or they can opt out so
anyway anyway if you’re curious about your digital presence and want to lead flow acceleration session you can go to auto repair schedule I only do
four of these per week because they’re free that’s all I can allow choose the time on the calendar we’ll just walk you
through it ask you some questions to see if we may be a good fit for you any other questions before we wrap up
today’s session any questions I know that you’ve still got good solid group here and I didn’t want to leave anybody hanging we’re all doing marketing via
some mechanism I would imagine otherwise you wouldn’t be on this call Via SEO paperclick billboard ads radio you know
we’re generating leads let’s just make sure that we’re converting those leads at the highest level possible and that’s what autoshop amp is all about so I want
to you know thank everybody for your time let’s make more money with the leads we’re already getting let’s put an
electronic employee to work for you following up with your leads if you want to reach out to me personally it’s Paul
at auto repair and I’ll get with you or just better yet go ahead and call
or schedule in at Auto Repair schedule all right so any questions that
I can follow up with real quick or um it looks like we have one Paul uh Jim is asking can you utilize our phone
number yes it’s much better Jim if you have a phone number that’s it’s a call
tracking number because if we use your phone number then the analytics just went bye-bye so it’s important to have
call tracking numbers there’s no reason not to have them but I can answer those questions with you if you go ahead and just schedule in with me Jim I’d be more
than happy to go over that with you but yes we can use your current phone number okay um anybody have any other
questions okay Jim said Thank You thumbs up so that’s good I think it was a great
presentation Paul the one thing that you hit on is the cord all this is the timing and my first boss when I got out
of school said every time the phone rang he’d yell at me and say the cash register’s bringing grab it you know is
that what he said the cash register R and that’s true that’s true so every
you have to consider every every phone call every contact is Elite and is money
so that’s that’s what he used to beat into us and it’s a wonderful perspective so anybody any more questions does not
look like it the only thing that I don’t think I really covered well is the app okay so every time if somebody calls in
and both phone lines are busy we have an automated call text back that is say hey uh thanks for calling Bob’s Auto Repair
we’re on both lines we’ll give you a call back in a minute and then whoever has that app on their phone they’ll get a ping saying hey you just missed a call
so as soon as someone gets off the phone they can call them back so that app is really can be on anybody’s phone and
that’s really what makes this work really well as the app that’s available on IOS and Android that’s great well
thank you very much Paul we appreciate your time appreciate you taking the the time out of your busy day to share all
this information with us and and we really really do cherish our partners here that will spend the time with us to
try to help us so okay this webinar today just want to remind everybody that it has been recorded and we will send it
to you we’ll send a link to you in our follow-up email and you can feel free to share it with your staff with your
colleagues whoever you would like to to share it with and spread the word of all the great information that Paul shared
with us today so

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